Home: Agape Spiritual Center

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AGAPE Spiritual Metaphysical Center is committed to a Global Spiritual Awakening of Humanity. 

Our focus at AGAPE, above all, is to heal the soul, the body and the mind. In addition, the journey to healing and spiritual transformation begins by developing a love of self. In addition, Love is created from moments accumulated throughout our life experiences. You build up unconditional love through life. Also, you can also build up the frequencies, called memories. Likewise, these feelings and frequencies will radiate themselves at one point, into illumination.  Therefore, ultimately, illumination is LOVE.

We encourage you to take a moment, and especially within your  stressful daily lives. Live life so as to experience internal peace and unconditional love.
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@ AGAPE Spiritual  Center

Spiritual Healing is the ultimate instrument and is used to connect universal healing energy to physical energy. As well, Spiritual healing has the ability to heal, physical ailments and illnesses. It also helps to erase karmic debt from past lives to present. Ultimately it can create serenity and peace and even create love for oneself.

Spiritual energy healing can achieve miraculous results. It  transforms lives to those affected from barriers of life experiences.

With that said, the Spiritual Tools of Love used in Spiritual Healing can produce amazing results.  In addition, it can assist any individual that is ready and open to positive change.



What does MEDITATION do? @ our Spiritual Center

Experience the Power of Spiritual Meditation.

As we connect to the various levels of Human Consciousness, Spiritual Evolution and ultimately, Spiritual Transformation are possible, when we access Universal Energy.

In addition, Meditation could be the most important tool towards the road of  self discovery and true awakening. Therefore, when we look for a life transformation, or we want to expand our horizons, then, most of us turn to Spirituality.

In short, meditation is KEY to resolving any Life Situation. In other words, meditation uplifts your Spirit growth, and connecting  with your one true Self.



Agape Spiritual Center 


The spiritual energy healing therapies of our founder, Reverend Dr. Mimmo Pileggi, in summary, has helped thousands of physically and/or emotionally affected individuals recover.

Such that, this healing modality is successful even in long distance therapies. 

Conclusively, your thoughts are Energy. Most importantly, for your inner success, you may learn how to conform your Negative Energy to Positive Energy.

A Healing form is available to fill out from our Website for anyone requesting Spiritual Healing. 


Agape Spiritual Center / remote spiritual healing

Working Together to Heal Humanity

1. Firstly, AGAPE provides a unique opportunity for those with a desire to explore their healing abilities. We encourage them to become leaders of our Centres.

2. Secondly, Future Spiritual Centre projects can be submitted for possible financial assistance.

3. Further, Administrative positions are available for those with a Spiritual background and many years of study and service.

4. Above all, AGAPE is growing!  We are seeking workers to serve in different locations.

Spiritual Awakening Quotes
Spiritual Awakening Quotes

As more and more souls begin to question reality, most importantly, we can all be closer to the goal we wish to achieve – world peace – and we can all be closer to our Spiritual Understanding – which is attained, above all,  through untold years of study and service to others.


Spiritual Awakening Quotes
Spiritual Awakening Quotes

There is only room for LOVE  in the New Reality. Ultimately, All are welcome, for love is all encompassing. Accept the light and see the new begin to manifest in your life. The instrument for infinite creation awaits you subsequently, when you find the spark of divine light in your heart center.


Spiritual Awakening Quotes
Spiritual Awakening Quotes

As you Hold your inner light you will radiate positive vibes. Hold nothing but pure divine love and pure intention within your heart, regardless of what comes your way. Realize, in conclusion,  that all difficulty melts away when the words “I love you, I love you, I love you” are spoken.


Spiritual Awakening Quotes
Spiritual Awakening Quotes

Pineal gland & Root chakra activation is present and in progress, for those who are ready.  Your higher Self  lives within your heart centre and is activating, with the magnetic field, expanding throughout all your cells.  This is to connect you to Source.

Be at peace, be grounded, cleanse your body internally, detach, open your heart and just be ready. 

By allowing low frequency,which is triggered by unconstructive events, you waste your energy, rather than manifesting a peaceful reality.

However, make no mistake, it will happen with or without your participation. What do you choose?


Spiritual Awakening Quotes
Spiritual Awakening Quotes

You have entered a new phase of Spiritual process. It is essential that you release all fear & worry. Release all grudges & grief.  Release all the pain, so that in this way you are clear. However, through these actions you will Know what next step to take, which will propel you into the future you’ve desired most.


Agape spiritual Center/ Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love  +

The Ultimate love of AGAPE radiates through Divine Source and Divine Source emits through Us

