Spiritual Energy Healing

Spiritual Healing Courses :

Learn how to connect to the power of Spiritual Healing Therapy, and  become one with Source Energy. In other words, understand how each soul is connected to the collective through high vibrational spiritual energies. To clarify, this energy healing therapy provides individuals an opportunity to heal through a spiritual vibration. This energy therapy sequencialy harmonizes our physical, emotional and psychological bodies. Conclusively, disturbances are identified and dismantled in the Auric field. As a result, the energy body surrounding the physical dis-ease  is cleared away, and, moreover,  allows the release and activates the healing process.  Within the realms of subtle energy, in addition, the Energy Practitioner aligns and acts in accordance with an individual’s spiritual knowledge and with their highest healing purposes.

On the other hand, Individuals may experience a complete body detachment. Likewise, the Energy practitioner telepathically brings forward a strong divine spiritual energy. Therefore, this begins to activate the healing process, through the trillions of atoms within the human structure.  The body is a complex matrix, moreover, of energy. Ultimately, the healing process aligns in accordance with each person’s individualized needs.

Spiritual healing / Agape spiritual Center
Course Level 1: Introduction to Spiritual Healing

To begin, what is the Philosophy of the Healing Process?

 For instance, How do experiences create our DNA throughout lifetimes?

In addition, How do Experiences affect the Healing Process ?

Course Level 2: Understanding your power to Spiritual Healing

As Healers we become Funnels to information received.

Learn to recognize how thoughts are signals of similar experiences, sometimes in other lifetimes.

Course Level 3:  Spiritual Healing

Your guidance comes from Spirit at all times

Being Self Aware, you become the C0-Creator for the healing process

Course Level 4: Practical Applications to Spiritual Healing

Firstly, Focus on your heart to create a neutral state of mind

 Secondly, Evaluate where the person needs healing

Further,  Learn to distinguish different vibrations

Moreover, Locate where the stress is located. Ultimately, the light will guide and create balancement.

Level 1: Introduction to Mediumship


Course Level 2: Connecting your Source Energy 


Course Level 3: Practical techniques to Mediumship


Mediumship Courses

Spirit is the Best Teacher

Mediumship Develops an incredible magnetic field within us, which moreover, we manifest through our eyes. From there, We then become Sensitives and Seers.

Mediumship is a Developed Process, above all, obtained through Practise. Mediumship is a Divine Link to Spirit, embedding in Life, as Truth and, in addition, Love, towards a greater Spiritual awareness.

To sum up, AGAPE offers Three Levels of Mediumship Classes. Conclusively, 60 hours of class and 40 hours of practice gives a student a Certification.

Meditation Sessions

Experience the Power of Spiritual Meditation.  

Are you ultimately looking for Strength, Guidance, A major change in your Life? 

Meditation is conclusively, the KEY to resolving any Life Situation, so it uplifts your Spirit and in short, connects you with you’re one true Self.


Let’s Learn Together!

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